Elora - průmyslové stavby, haly, areály, administrativní budovy

výstavba a rekonstrukce, střešní a stěnové pláště, projekční práce

Firma Elora Group se staví a rekonstruuje Průmyslové haly, Průmyslové areály, Administraavní budovy.

mezi další činnosti patří Výstavba a rekonstrukce, střešní a stěnové pláště, projekční práce.

Elora Group je firma s dlouholetou tradicí.

Dodávka a montáž střešních systémů, ocelových konstrukcí, hliníkových oken, dveří a strukturálních či sloupkových fasád pro průmyslové stavby. Zajišťujeme projektovou dokumentaci v oblasti stavebnictví a inženýrské služby.

Zabýváme se:

Mission, Vision and Integrated Politics QMS and EMS

The company presented here provides products and services in various aspects of the construction and realization of buildings. Our clients are not only from the construction industry itself but also other industries. Operators and owners of buildings, industrial and commercial.

The company's management policy is based on the vision of our own professional growth, which is based on a comprehensive satisfaction of client´s requirements, environmental protection and health and safety discipline at work.

The management is determined to ensure top quality and has reached foreign markets. To us, quality means adapting to a client's requirements in a range of services, with flexibility and a competitive price.

The aim of our company is to ensure the continual provision of high quality services, the ability to meet customer needs to the fullest extent and the adaptability to understand the breadth of services, flexibility and competitive price required by our customers.

To achieve these targets we perform as an even partner in the sector within the EU. Our company set, maintains and improves upon the Integrated Quality Management System, EMS and BOZP, which the company continues to follow as its priority.